Sunday, June 10, 2012

Stuffed Cabbage Rolls

2 heads cabbage, core removed and boil until leaves are soft and fall away easily
2 lbs uncooked ground beef (1lb ground beef & 1lb ground sausage)
1 egg
1 cup chopped onions
2 minced garlic cloves
2 cups cooked white rice
1¼   teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon pepper
2   (28 ounce) cans tomato sauce (24oz jar spaghetti sauce of choice)

Separate the cabbage leaves once the heads are cool - remove hard spine.
Saute garlic and onions until caramelized - set aside to cool.
Mix ground meat, onion & garlic, egg, white rice and salt and pepper in large bowl.

In a large casserole dish (9x13) spread a thin layer of tomato sauce.
Place about 1/4 cup of beef mixture in the cabbage leaf, roll up like you would an egg roll so that the mixture does not fall out.
Place each roll in pan, stacking if necessary.
Cover with remaining tomato sauce. (and sliced onion - optional)
Bake in 300 degree oven for 1¾ hours or until beef is done and leaves are soft. (covered for 1 hour, uncovered for the rest of the cook time)
Serve warm/hot with additional sauce over top.

Alternate Sauce
24 oz crushed tomatoes
12 oz apricot nectar
Mix together and simmer.
Pour over cabbage rolls during the uncovered portion of baking time

How To Video: If you have never made cabbage rolls this link Easy to Follow, Step by Step at these points in the video would be helpful 0:00-1:15 and 6:12-8:40

With onions and tomato sauce before cooking

With spaghetti sauce fresh from the oven

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